Probably six weeks ago, she went to turn it on, and you could see the backlight, but it wouldn't do ANYTHING. No sounds, no picture, nada. I emailed Fisher Price about the problem, and they told me to do their live chat to troubleshoot to see if they could talk me through it to fix the problem. Wouldn't you know that halfway through our troubleshooting, my computer would NOT reconnect to the chat. I must have talked to four different people before I finally gave up. By the time I got back to the computer, I had an email from Fisher Price Consumer Relations telling me that they were going to replace her IXL. They emailed me a label, I paid for the shipping, and mailed it to them. We received the IXL from UPS today. About three days after an email stating they were sending it back. Not only did they replace it, but they replaced it with an "updated" version that had a new look and more content.
I can't begin to praise Fisher Price enough for their help and quickness and resolving this problem. We planned to take the IXL with us to Disney in two weeks, and I was worried it wouldn't be fixed in time. No worries. I didn't have to argue with anyone about why the toy was broken, or a receipt, or how long it was broken. They quickly remedied the problem. Thanks for the great customer service, Fisher Price!